Become an auditor at EuroMedi International

One of the pillars of the accreditation of a health care organisation is obviously the final visit by a team of specialised auditors. These auditors are key players in the certification-accreditation system for health care organisations. They are in charge of the objective evaluation of health care organisations, and are therefore representatives of EuroMedi International during the visits they conduct. To carry out these assessment missions, the auditors were first selected on the basis of their experience and competence in the health sector. They are then specifically trained in auditing the quality and safety of health care institutions. Finally, they are regularly trained in new assessment techniques.

Its profile

The EuroMedi International auditor is a health care professional: doctor, pharmacist, hospital director, nurse and other hospital managers, with a minimum of 15 years' experience in a health care institution. As an auditor, they are considered a legitimate peer for the professionals they meet during their visits. In addition, he or she has special knowledge in the fields of quality and risk management in the health care sector.

Its role

The EuroMedi International auditor occupies a key position in the certification process. His practice is based on his experience in health care, his knowledge of the practices and organisation of health care establishments, his mastery of the certification system and evaluation methods and his ability to exchange with the staff of the establishments visited as well as with the patients and residents in order to have the clearest view of the reality on the ground.

EuroMedi International expects its listeners to be :
Neutral : it will not be influenced during its audit mission
Engaged : it is truly convinced of the importance of the accreditation/certification process
Objectives: it conducts its missions with rigour and professionalism based on facts
Ethical : it demonstrates a practice that guarantees objectivity, impartiality, transparency, fairness but also humanity and confidentiality


The activities of the surveyor are divided into 6 stages requiring specific skills:

  • The EuroMedi International auditor is committed to keeping his/her skills in the field of quality and safety in the healthcare sector up to date. They are also committed to keeping abreast of technological developments in their sector
  • it is also committed to promoting quality and safety in the health care sector but will take into account local specificities during its visits
  • he/she undertakes to prepare his/her mission before going to the site visited
  • He/she integrates into the team of auditors and collaborates with his/her fellow auditors.
  • It carries out the accreditation visit with objectivity and humanity, with a view to sharing and improving care.
  • It will respect the level of requirement requested in the guides
  • participate in post-visit debriefing sessions.
  • Within EuroMedi International, he will participate in the improvement of accreditation and certification procedures.

The specific role of the Head of Mission

The role of the mission leader is essential in the conduct of the visits. He or she must have experience in team management and is therefore the guarantor of the successful completion of the assignment. While he/she must have the expectations specific to the auditor's function, he/she must also be :


He is the team leader. As such, he is the guarantor of compliance with the common rules governing the mission. He/she knows how to readjust if necessary.

Supporters of the collective 

He/she knows how to gather and mobilise the team around a common project. He/she ensures the integrity of the team and guarantees its proper functioning.

Caring and listening

He/she knows how to establish a relationship of trust and create the conditions for constructive exchanges with the team and the establishment.

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Become an Auditor Candidate at EuroMedi International

If you would like to be part of our international auditing team, we invite you to submit your application via the form below.
On this form, you will be asked to complete an online application form and :

  • Upload your CV
  • Write about 20 lines on your motivation