Training center
Accreditation of Training Centers
Health care staff, like the rest of the working world, are obliged to undergo continuous training in order to acquire the new skills needed to do their job properly. For this reason, training programmes forcontinuous training for staff are organised. Whether it is to develop their technical or interpersonal skills, these trainings will help the staff of the environment careto be operational.
Continuing professional development is one of the keys to effectively dealing with developments in your function.
These training courses will ensure that new knowledge is imparted in different areas Training related to patient rights, technical, managerial.... A set of training courses that address different elements that health care staff need to master in order to be more effective in their function, or in relation to health and safety at work.
However, not all these courses offer the same level of quality. La consequence The consequences of this poor learning can be dramatic in the field. This is why EuroMédi International has developed a specific accreditation programme for healthcare training organisations.
This accreditation programme will ensure that these training organisations comply with the following rules:
- training that is truly adapted to the care sector
- training developed with the help of professionals in the sector
- trainers with expertise in the sector
- trainers using appropriate teaching methods
- with a follow-up offer beyond the training courses themselves
- a training offer both on site and at a distance
- respecting the rules of ethics
This specific guide for organisations of training in the care sector includes the following elements :
- Governance
- Team management
- Development of training programmes
- Pedagogy used
- Management of training follow-up
This accreditation will allow you to stand out and give your patients confidence. Especially new patients and patients from other regions or countries.
If you have many patients from other countries, a specific module on the management of foreign patients will be part of the guide. This will set you apart from other clinics and ensure that your patients receive a quality service.