The difference between accreditation and certification
In recent years, various health care institutions around the world have decided to implement good practices to improve the quality of care provided to patients.
To validate this quality approach, they turned to international organisations specialising in healthcare accreditation.

Through this internationally recognised European accreditation process you will be able to :
- Improving care management
- Minimising risks
- Reduce costs and increase efficiency
- Increase your income
- Attracting new patients
- Building patient loyalty
- Attracting qualified staff
- Showing your competence to the supervisory authorities
- Increase your visibility and awareness
- Become a reference in your sector of activity
EuroMedi International can certify virtually all clinical services within facilities, including
- Surgery Department
- Bariatric surgery
- Imaging department
- Emergency Department
- Oncology department
- MAP Centers
- Operating theatres
- Laboratories
- Service gériatrique
The certification delivered by EuroMedi will allow the different services :
- to improve the quality of care
- to increase the competence of the teams
- improve managerial capacity of the service
This will have direct consequences:
- increase the level of patient satisfaction
- increase employee motivation
- to improve the care provided
- reduce costs and increase efficiency
- improve the reputation of the institution
- to increase its national and international patient base
- to become a reference in its environment
- improve income by increasing activity
However, many hospitals are reluctant to embark on the process because they fear that they will not succeed. This is because accreditation will look at the whole organisation, in great detail, and not just a part of it.
In many hospitals, there are well-performing departments whose managers would like to have their competence recognised and others that would like to increase their level of performance by being certified by an international body.
For these voluntary services, EuroMedi International is developing specific certification programmes. These certification programmes will enable a range of services to be recognised independently of the hospital or clinic.
EuroMedi International's certification visits are conducted by multidisciplinary teams of healthcare environment specialists. They include doctors, nurses, paramedics and management specialists.
This certification will help you stand out and give your patients confidence, especially new patients and patients from other regions or from abroad.
If you have many patients from other countries, a specific module on the care of foreign patients will be part of the guide. This will set you apart from other institutions and ensure that your patients receive a quality service.