Radiology Center
Certification of patient journeys
An imaging centre very often has recent, high-performance equipment. This equipment enables the following needs to be met
- conventional radiography
- Scannographie
- ultrasound
- mammography
Imaging examinations that use radiation, usually X-rays, are a valuable tool for diagnosis, but exposure to radiation carries certain risks for both staff and patients. On the other hand, imaging services use complex and sophisticated machinery that requires proper training, careful handling and rigorous maintenance policies.
Le but de la certification est donc de confirmer que toutes les mesures ont été mises en œuvre pour préserver la sécurité des patients comme des collaborateurs.
This specific guide for Radiology Centres includes the following elements:
Le processus de certification va donc examiner, notamment :
- The adequacy of responses to requests for reviews
- Patient satisfaction
- Traceability of the various examinations
- Lafety procedures in interventional imaging
- Essential safety criteria at all stages of the journey
- Selection of the most appropriate tests
- Safety procedures to ensure correct diagnosis
- Management and maintenance of materials and equipment
- Staff training
- The reception of the patient
This certification will help you stand out and give your patients confidence, especially new patients and patients from other regions or from abroad.
If you have many patients from other countries, a specific module on the care of foreign patients will be part of the guide. This will set you apart from other institutions and ensure that your patients receive a quality service.