ART Clinics

Accreditation of ART Clinics
ART centres, often clinics, receive and help patients who need fertility treatment to have a baby. The doctors in these centres are specialised in assisted reproduction techniques such as in vitro fertilisation or artificial insemination.
Download our brochure International Accreditation of clinics and hospital services

Reproductive medicine allows d'help to achieve a pregnancy with the simplest techniques (cycle monitoring and inseminations) to the most complex (in vitro fertilisation, ICSI, egg donation)
Some conditions or histories require management in collaboration with other disciplines. A MAP clinic must therefore have from numerous specialists or, if not, have privileged contacts with other care institutions.
A whole éteam of professionals médicaux spécialisés in the'infertilityé works in a MAP centre. Biologists, gynaecologistsécologues-obstémidwives, diététicians, urologists, anaesthetistsésists and psychologists welcome infertile couples. This équipe must be formée for éThe aim of this project is to provide support and advice to future parents in order to accompany them in their development.ésir d'and offer them an appropriate treatment.é à their situation and needs.
The Accreditation process will therefore examine :
- the management of the patient through their care pathway
- emergency management
- Dispensing and administering medicines, products and medical devices used
- compliance with infection control rules

This specific guide for MAP clinics includes the following elements:
- Governance
- Team management
- Medication management
- Infection control
- Reception and support of patients
- Emergency management
- Perioperative care
- Infrastructure management
This accreditation will allow you to stand out and give your patients confidence. Especially new patients and patients from other regions or countries.
If you have many patients from other countries, a specific module on the management of foreign patients will be part of the guide. This will set you apart from other clinics and ensure that your patients receive a quality service.