Why get accredited?

Why get accredited?
In recent years, various health care institutions around the world have decided to implement good practices to improve the quality of care provided to patients.
To validate this quality approach, they turned to organisations specialising in healthcare accreditation. And to guarantee the objectivity of this accreditation, they turned to international bodies. Indeed, recognition by a national body has been criticised by many stakeholders who question the objectivity of the process. Too many institutions with serious shortcomingsa were in fact accredited.
Some countries now have a large proportion of their health care institutions enrolled in this international accreditation process.

But why get accredited?
Accreditation by EuroMedi will enable health care institutions to :

to improve the quality of care

to increase the competence of the teams

improve the managerial capacity of the institution
This will have direct consequences:
⦁ increase patient and resident satisfaction
⦁ increase employee motivation
⦁ improve the care provided
⦁ reduce costs and increase efficiency
⦁ improve the reputation of the institution
⦁ increase its national and international patient base
⦁ to retain its patients and residents
⦁ to become a reference in its environment
⦁ to improve their income
An international survey of health care institutions in 18 countries clearly shows the value of establishing an accreditation process by an international body.
In summary, what do these results tell us?
- For 74% of the institutions, patients and hospital teams have directly benefited from this international accreditation. 74%
- For 83% of them, the quality of care has been positively impacted by the accreditation. 83%
- For 90% of them, accreditation has had a direct impact on the overall effectiveness of the institution. 90%
- For 98% of them, international accreditation has increased the awareness of the institution. 98%
- For 76% of them, international accreditation has given them a competitive advantage. 76%

If patients and staff are the first to benefit and the institution gains in reputation, attracts new patients and all this with a positive impact on their finances, this approach should become widespread in the coming years in more and more countries.
EuroMedi accreditation visits are conducted by multidisciplinary teams of specialists in the healthcare environment. They include doctors, nurses, paramedics and management specialists.
Discover our Survey on the impact of international accreditation in health care institutions